Author Guidelines


Contributions to TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History can be submitted preferably through the online submission system at In case you do not want to use the online submission system, you can send your submission as an attachment by e-mail to

 Before submitting an article, authors should check the following general guidelines.

  • Articles should not exceed 8.000 words including references. An English abstract of 75-125 words should be included, plus a title. Please also indicate the following: name and full address (postal address, telephone number and e-mail address), academic title, number of words.
  • Manuscripts submitted for TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History have not been published elsewhere and are not under review for possible publication elsewhere.
  • Authors provide a short biography which includes year of birth, place of work and current position, major or recent publications, and e-mail address.
  • All illustrations, figures and tables are submitted separately and have a clear title and source. Maps in tiff or jpg, graphs in excel. Illustrations should be free of rights.

For our further guidelines, see below.

 1. Layout | 2. Spelling | 3. Illustrations | 4. Annotation | 5. Data | 6. Reviews

1. Layout

The layout of the article should be kept as basic as possible. The following general rules apply:

  • At the top of the manuscript, the name of the author followed by the title of the paper.
  • Subheadings may not be numbered.
  • Every paragraph must be intended, except after a subheading.
  • Quotations must always be placed between single inverted commas, unless there are quotations within a quotation, in which case double inverted commas will be used. If text is omitted from a quotation, this will be indicated through the use of square brackets and three dots i.e. […]. If words are added to quotation as explanation, these words should be placed within round brackets, followed by your initials, i.e. (because X.X.). If the author himself italices particular words in a quotation, this will be indicated using round brackets and initials within the quotation, i.e. (my italics X. X.). If the author is quoting via third parties, this must be clearly indicated in the footnote with … as quoted in… In quotations, the spelling and any italics used in the text quoted must be included. Quotations in languages other than Dutch, English, French or German must be translated in the footnotes.
  • Abbreviations, such as etc., must be written out in full, and the same applies to centuries and percentages: therefore nineteenth century instead of 19th century, 40 percent rather than 40%. Also: the Fifties rather than the ‘50s. Abbreviations may only be used in the names and titles of people and organizations. Therefore: KLM, NEHA, VPRO, but not e.g. etc.
  • Numbers in the body of the text will be written out in letters up to the number twenty. Above twenty these will be given in figures. This does not apply to series. For example: 8, 17 and 43 percent of ….
  • Dates are used like this: 15 May 1840; 1840-1903; 1843/1844 (period overlapping the years). Do not abbreviate months.
  • Use capitals for First World War, Second World War etc.
  • Foreign words and terms must be italicized, except when they are naturalized, for example: dédain, train-d’union, en passant, but: bona fide, status quo.

2. Spelling

  • The latest spelling conventions apply. TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History prefers UK English spelling. Authors who wish to publish in English are responsible for the language editing by a native speaker. TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History will only provide a final copy editing of the article.

3. Illustrations

  • Tables, figures and maps must be numbered and given a clear title, must be kept as simple as possible and submitted outside of the text. The source and where it was found must also be included in the caption, for example: Rembrandt Harmensz. Van Rijn, Het feestmaal van koning Belsassar, c. 1635 (The National Gallery, London). It must be indicated in the text where exactly the tables and figures/graphs should be placed. Maps should be supplied as TIFF or JPEG files, figures/graphs in Excel. Tables may be delivered using the table function in Word, separated by tabs, or in Excel.
  • TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History strives to include two photographs or illustrations per article. The photos, provided these are not subject to copyright, must be supplied as photographs (not photocopies) or as JPEG or TIF files. If costs are involved in obtaining the illustration (copyright etc.) please contact the managing editor in advance. TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History cannot take responsibility for such costs without prior approval. Indicate in the text exactly where the illustrations must be placed: [illustration 1 here].
  • All other non-text appendices, such as databases, video or sound files may be uploaded using an appropriate file type for the file contents. Appendices should be labelled logically to indicate content (i.e. "Program# .filetype","Sound#.filetype "). Captions should describe the attachment fully (by content, file format, usage, software required to run them, etc.) and are uploaded separately during the submission process. If you have problems of any kind in accessing or understanding the information on this page, please contact the Editor.

4. Annotation

Notes should, whenever possible, be confined to necessary references, and not used for ‘sub-texts’. The system used by TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History for references to literature and sources is derived largely from The Chicago Manual of Style. Articles not adhering to the conventions laid out below in terms of footnotes will be returned for correction. Careful layout and a uniform system of footnotes facilitate quick processing of the copy submitted, and thereby benefit authors, readers and editors alike.

Acknowledgements for assistance or subsidies must be given using footnote 1 (Arabic) at the title.

4.1. Reference to literature

  • TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History uses footnotes; these are numbered in sequence.
  • The number of the footnote will always be placed at the end of the sentence, behind the closing punctuation mark, therefore: ... happened.23 and not: ... happened 23.
  • If a sentence ends with a quotation, just one full stop will be used, after the single inverted comma. For example: They regarded his work as false competetion: ‘like a knife to cut our own throats’.
  • If the sentence ends with a reference to a page reference, the page number will be placed in front of the full stop. For example: The author does not cite correctly (24).
  • Add DOI’s if available.

4.1.1 First references to books

  • The author’s name must be in the normal font, the title of the book in italics, the place and year of publication between brackets, followed by the reference to the pages concerned. For example: R.F. Atkinson, Knowledge and Explanation in History: An Introduction to the Philosophy of History (London, Basingstoke 1978) 118-119.
  • Titles and subtitles are separated by a colon (:).
  • A comma will be used only between the author’s name and the title and between multiple places of publication.
  • In the case of two authors, the word ‘and’ will be added between the names. For example: Michael Mitterauer and Reinhard Sieder, Vom Patriarchat zur Partnerschaft. Zum Strukturwandel der Familie (München 1984).
  • In the case of three authors, the reference will read: Philip Armstrong, Andrew Glyn and John Harrison, Capitalism since World War II. The Making and Breakup of the Great Boom (London 1984) 320.
  • In the case of more than three authors: Erik Buyst et al., De Bank, de frank en de euro. Anderhalve eeuw Nationale Bank van België (Tielt 2005) 19-21.
  • The title will be taken from the title page, with the ‘extra’ capitals that are often used in English-language publications. (Therefore: Knowledge and Explanation in History). The title must be given exactly.
  • Quotations in the title of a book will be in single inverted commas.
  • The place of publication of non-Dutch publications will be spelled in accordance with the English spelling if a common English spelling exists: therefore Rome (rather than Roma). For US publications: please add the state. For example: Cambridge MA.
  • Avoid abbreviations such as ff in the representation of page numbers as far as possible, therefore 59-72 rather than 59 ff.
  • Page numbers must always be given in full, i.e. 214-221 rather then 214-21.
  • Summaries of publications in a footnote will be separated by ;.

4.1.2 Second and subsequent references to books

  • Use only the author’s surname, followed by a comma and an abbreviated version of the book title (usually up to and including the first noun), followed by a comma, then the reference to the page concerned.
  • The word ibid. will be used for a reference to the same book or article in a subsequent reference, therefore:

11. Atkinson, Knowledge and planation, 56.
12. Ibid., 167.
13. Mitterauer en Sieder, Vom Patriarchat zur Partnerschaft, 23-27.
14. Ibid., 25-26.

 It can occur that the use of ibid. can cause problems if passages in the article are rewritten. The subject of the reference may no longer be clear. It is therefore advisable to use ibid. sparingly.

  • Idem is used for the same author in subsequent footnotes:

15. Bloch, Apologie pour l’histoire, 12-15.
16. Idem, Les rois thaumaturges, 236.

4.1.3 References to articles in journals

The title of an article will be printed in the normal font between single inverted commas, followed by a comma. The comma will be followed by the full title of the journal in italics, followed by the volume in normal font and the year of publication between brackets, followed by the full pages of the article and then followed by the relevant page(s), without being preceded by p. or  pp. For example:

  • Annemieke van Drenth, ‘Vrouwelijke zorg om het wonen. Woninginspectrices bij Philips en de gemeente Eindhoven in het Interbellum’, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis 19 (1996) 113- 137.

When referring to a specific page:

  • Annemieke van Drenth, ‘Vrouwelijke zorg om het wonen. Woninginspectrices bij Philips en de gemeente Eindhoven in het Interbellum’, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis 19 (1996) 113- 137, 119.

Second and subsequent references to titles of articles must be placed between single inverted commas. The abbreviated title will always be followed by a comma. For example: 

  • Van Drenth, ‘Vrouwelijke zorg’, 121.

 Quotations in titles of articles must be placed between double inverted commas. For example:

  • H.F.K. van Nierop, ‘"Het Quaede Regiment". De Hollandse edelen als ambachtsheren, 1490- 1650’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 95 (1980) 433-444, 443.

If the same journal is referred to on several occasions, the title may be abbreviated, provided that the abbreviation is included in the first footnote. For example:

  • H.F.K. van Nierop, ‘"Het Quaede Regiment". De Hollandse edelen als ambachtsheren, 1490-1650’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (hereafter TvG) 95 (1980) 433-444, 443.

Next reference with the same journal:

  • L. van Buyten, ‘Bureaucratie en bureaucratisering in de lokale besturen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 17e eeuw tot 18e eeuw’, TvG 90 (1977) 503-523, 503-504.

In the case of titles in a journal that does not number its pages consecutively, the issue in question will be given as clearly as possible. For example:

  • Gerben Zaagsma, ‘On Digital History’, BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review 128:4 (2013) 3-29.

4.1.4 References to articles in anthologies/edited volumes

The rules for quoting the title of the article are the same as those for a journal, subject to the understanding that:

  • The title will be followed by a comma, then ‘in:’ followed by the title of the anthology, in accordance with the rules for referring to books. References to colloquia, symposia and the like will be omitted.
  • Generally speaking, an anthology will be edited by one or more people. In the case of a single editor, (ed.) will be added, in the case of more than one editor, (eds.) will be added. For example: 

Thera Wijsenbeek-Olthuis, ‘Stedelijk verval en cultuurpatronen’, in: Anton Schuurman, Jan de Vries and Ad van der Woude (eds.), Aards geluk. De Nederlanders en hun spullen, 1550-1850 (Amsterdam 1997) 201-223, 211. Second reference: Wijsenbeek-Olthuis, ‘Stedelijk verval’, 211.

4.1.5 Other references

  • If a group of editors or unnamed editors is responsible for the publication, or if a source publication does not have an author but is led by an editorial team, the title will precede the name of the author or authors’ collective.
  • The numbers of parts of a series will be written in normal font, not in italics in the title and, unlike with journals, in Roman figures.


  • H.P.H. Jansen, ‘Politieke ontwikkeling circa 1100-1400’, in: Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden II (Haarlem 1982) 284-287.
  • Subsequent references: Jansen, ‘Politieke ontwikkeling’, 286.
  • Bronnen tot de geschiedenis der Leidsche universiteit VII, P.C. Molhuysen (ed.) (The Hague1924) 108.
  • Subsequent references: Bronnen der Leidsche universiteit, 231.

Other unpublished texts, for example theses: author, title, (nature of the text. Place, year). For example:

  • Annie Lauwers, De Boerinnenjeugdorganisatie, een kind van haar tijd. Ontstaan en groei (1911-1930) (Master’s thesis in history; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1985).

4.2. Acknowledgement of sources

As a rule of thumb, the first reference to an archive source must contain both the name of the body holding the archive, the archive itself, the catalogue number and, if possible, the title of the piece or the register, with page or folio numbers. The abbreviation for the body holding the archive and the archive itself, as applied in the subsequent references, must be included in the first relevant reference.


  •  Gemeente Archief Tilburg (hereafter GAT), Secretarie Archief 1810-1907 (hereafter SA), 29, Notulen van de openbare vergadering van de gemeenteraad Tilburg, 3 June 1884.

Subsequent reference: GAT, SA, 29, Notulen, 15 July 1884.

  • The Nationaal Archief Den Haag (hereafter NA), Archief van de Graven van Holland (hereafter AGH), inv. 227 fo.8vo

Subsequent reference: NA, AGH, inv. 1262 fo. 108.

  • Maritiem Museum ‘Prins Hendrik’ Rotterdam (hereafter MPH), collectie D. van Lennep, Dagelijksche aantekeningen (18 january 1804).

Subsequent reference: MPH, collectie D. van Lennep, Dagelijksche aantekeningen (16 May 1804).

4.3. Internet sources

For references to publications or acknowledgements of documents in digital form on the Web, authors should follow the guidelines of the Modern Language Association (MLA) in MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications), see:

The rules on punctuation and on referencing literature and sources given above should be followed when following these guidelines.

Authors may include links to other Internet resources in their article [(e.g., the International Association for the Study of Commons:]. This is especially encouraged in the reference section. When inserting a reference to a webpage, please include the http:// portion of the address and add date of consultation.

4.4. Data Availability Policy

  • Data are important products of the scientific enterprise, and they should be preserved and be usable for decades in the future. Therefore, TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History promotes, as integral part of its publication policy, that data supporting the results in published papers are archived in an appropriate data archive preferably having a Data Seal of Approval. Recommended data repositories are, for example, those listed by the International Federation of Data Organizations (IFDO) for Social Science (
  • Data to be archived can be quantitative and/or qualitative. Included can be data created in all current database, spreadsheet, word processing and statistical formats (a list of preferred file formats is available on the website of the Dutch data archive DANS: preferred formats UK DEF.pdf.
  • When archiving in an appropriate data archive, data together with programs and scripts for computation are to be documented clearly and precisely to allow replication. We encourage authors to submit data prior to publication of the article, to enable including a reference to the data archiving in the published article.
  • By default, archiving in an appropriate data archive will imply open access and availability. Exceptions may be granted, especially for proprietary data. Authors will have to supply written information on the conditions and procedures by which these data may be obtained.

5. Data

In future, TSEG intends to structurally pay attention to data sets. Authors dealing with this subject must consider the aspects mentioned below.


  • to offer data collectors and/or researchers a stage to present their data sets;
  • to draw readers' attention to the existence of particular data sets;
  • to effect and stimulate positive critical reflection of data sets by reviewers.

TSEG accepts two types of data articles:

5.1 Data stage

A brief discussion of a data set produced personally by the compiler (author(s), i.e. people who can speak “on behalf of” the data sets – so basically producers or persons involved in the production process), which is ready to be put on display. What sources is the data set based on, what is its aim, are there any limitations, tips for users, etc.? This stage can be compared to a well-annotated publication of sources. The text must be supplied with an easy-reference (standard) list of data/facts related to the data set (fact sheet), concerning the subject, period, size (variables, entries) plus information about the author(s) and location (maker(s), institution, year, place of retrieval).


  • 2000-3000 words (approx. 5 pages)
  • supplied with annotations and sources
  • written for a wide audience
  • giving a proper impression of the size, content and source material used

Criteria for the data set itself:

  • stored permanently
  • permanently accessible to the public
  • well-documented (the stage is an extensive annotation to the contents of the data set, not a standard documentation about the data set)

5.2 Data review

A (positive) critical discussion/analysis of one or several data sets by an author who was not involved in the production process of the data set(s), about the advantages and the obstacles to working with the data set(s).


  • 2000-3000 words (approx. 5 pages)
  • written for a wide audience
  • data must be publicly accessible, but need not be published open access

6. Reviews

TSEG invites scholars to publish book reviews on a regular basis. We are also open to outside offers of book reviews. The editors will take the final decision on publication. The following guidelines apply:

  1. A TSEG book review can be written in Dutch or English (British spelling).
  2. A TSEG book review consists of 700-1000 words (plain text). In exceptional cases we allow more space. This has to be discussed and agreed upon with the editor in place.
  3. Book reviews should be accessible by non-specialists and readers unfamiliar with the work and/or author reviewed. This requires a brief introduction of contents and avoidance of specialist language. Critical statements should always be corroborated by arguments.
  4. The editors may ask for revisions if they feel the review is unbalanced, contains mistakes or is simply badly written. Minor changes can be made by editors without consultation of the reviewer.
  5. The top of the review should contain: author, title (city of publication: publisher and year), number of pages, ISBN number.
  6. At the bottom of the review the reviewer should mention his/her name, affiliation and email address. He/she should also add a postal address in order to receive a hardcopy of the issue containing the review (the address will not appear in the publication).
  7. Editors maintain the right to reject reviews under all circumstances.