A Moral Measure of Capitalism?

Pioneers of Capitalism: The Netherlands, 1000-1800


  • Anne EC McCants MIT Cambridge (Mass.)




Like much recent historiography, especially that inspired by the so-called “new history of capitalism,” Prak and Van Zanden are interested in what they call the “how” and “why” of the emergence of a capitalist market economy in the premodern Low Countries Yet, unlike much of the literature in this vein which takes the early modern trans-Atlantic slave trade and the tobacco, coffee, tea, sugar and cotton plantation economies that it supported as capitalism’s founding moment, the authors begin their story solidly in the early Middle Ages.


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Author Biography

  • Anne EC McCants, MIT Cambridge (Mass.)

    Anne EC McCants is the Ann F. Friedlaender Professor of Economic History at MIT and the Director of the Concourse Learning Community. Her research encompasses the history of material culture and the standard of living, historical demography, and the history of the family. She serves as the Editor of the Journal of Interdisciplinary History and is past president of the International Economic History Association and the Social Science History Association.






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How to Cite

McCants, A. E. (2024). A Moral Measure of Capitalism? : Pioneers of Capitalism: The Netherlands, 1000-1800 . TSEG - The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, 21(2), 139-148. https://doi.org/10.52024/vxq0j707